Birthday Celebration with clients
Some birthday lunch / dinner with client. Some of them found my website through using Googles. They are very happy and wth memorable birthday. This is how I build COI.
Read moreKisah Benar
I closed a case on Sunday, when all the way to seremban kampung house, untill my GPS couldn’t direct me, was refer by my client, her husband Mr. Lee, age 55 healths physically fix.
This morning daughter call me about his difficulties of breathing and pass away at 7.15am on his bed. This maybe due to heart attack in sudden. It’s really a sad case to me. 🙁
Insurance must own it when you no need, when you need it, you will missed it forever.
As our responsibility, we just summit death claim, up to the company decisions.
What’s my learning point, I must know the client family earlier, regretted and too late.
Read moreJenny’s Sharing at Allianz in Jakarta, Indonesia
3 Reasons Not To Cancel Your Life Insurance
Paying your life insurance premiums can be another expense that you may wish to cut out from your tight budget. In these tough economic times, every little bit counts. But before you give your life insurance, carefully consider the possible implications of being uninsured. You would have passed on and will not bear the consequences. However, your family may be in a vulnerable position after your death.
Nobody wants to pay for something that they cannot touch, feel or enjoy immediately. Insurance is essentially buying cover for the ‘what if’ in life. But as the saying goes, death like taxes is unavoidable. While you know when tax season will come up, death is one inevitably that you cannot reasonably calculate. So while you may commit to starting up cover at a later stage when your financial circumstances are better, remember that you may be dead before that time comes.
Do not take bad advice from friends, family members and work colleagues. Speak to a financial planner or your insurance broker. What may seem like a good idea today may not make financial sense in the long run. Even the supposed ‘alternatives’ to life insurance are unlikely to offer you the same level of protection as a proper policy. Here are some points to consider before you cancel your life insurance policy.
1. Starting Up A Policy Later
As you get older, the premiums of your policy becomes more expensive. But even these increases will not be as expensive as starting a policy later in life. You are better off keeping the cover that you started earlier in life than canceling it and restarting a policy even one to two years later.
2. Disease May Strike At Any Time
Even if you are still alive to start up a policy later on and can deal with the increased premiums, remember that you risk profile may also change beyond the age aspect. You may develop some chronic disease than can cause your insurer to load the policy or even decline cover. At this point your chances of getting affordable insurance will fly out of the window – forever.
3. Self Insurance Cannot Match The Payout
Trying to save up the premiums of your life insurance policy in order to build a nest egg for your family in the event of your death may be fruitless. You may feel that the money is more secure and accessible in your hands than with an insurer – a practice known as self insurance. While you may have kept some money away, life savings cannot match a life insurance payout.
When times are tough and the budget is tight, various alternatives may seem like a good idea in saving a few pennies. But do no let desperation cloud your judgement. In the end the only loser will be your family without a life insurance payout that could have secured them for a long time to come.
Greg is an independent writer servicing dedicated websites on insurance in South Africa. He focuses on providing comprehensive information on a range of insurance issues for South African consumers. His aim is to educate existing and prospective life policy holders in order to make the best decision for their long term financial planning.
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Read moreBreast Cancer is first killer in women and in the world
Among all cancers in women, he takes the first place. In most cases, breast cancer develops in the presence of precancerous changes. This is primarily a benign mammary dysplasia and papilloma ducts.
Breast cancer is represented macroscopically nodular and diffuse forms, as well as cancer of the nipple and the nipple of the field (Paget’s disease of the breast). For the nodular cancers are characterized by the node having a diameter of up to several centimeters. In some cases, a tight knot, is permeated with whitish layers tissue penetrating into the surrounding fatty tissue, in others – a soft, juicy on the cut, splits easily. Diffuse prostate cancer is covered for a considerable distance, the contours of the tumor are marked bad. Sometimes the cancer invades the skin and forms on the surface of decaying mushroom formation – a cancerous ulcer. In some cases, the tumor spreads along the surface of the breast and all the iron is covered with a dense shell.
In histological structure are the following types of breast cancer:
- noninvasive: intralobular and intraduct;
- infiltrative.
Noninvasive breast cancer can be intralobular (lobular carcinoma in situ), and intraduct (ductal carcinoma in situ).
Infiltrating (invasive) cancer is characterized by varying degrees of tissue and cell irregularities, which allowed to distinguish different degree of malignancy. This type of cancer include, in particular, infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma, which usually has the structure of scirrhus, as well as Paget’s disease.
Causes of Breast Cancer.
The causes of breast cancer often are hormonal changes in the body: the entry into menopause, when there is an active restructuring of the hormonal regulation of the woman, the ovaries lose their activity, decreased production of progesterone and estrogen, the body is going through, “hormonal crisis.” The mammary gland and endometrium (lining of the uterus) are most responsive to these changes, the breast tissue begins to dissolve and be replaced by fat.
Scientifically established that the female hormones estrogen-, plays a key role in the development of breast cancer. The excess hormones in the body creates a favorable background for developing the disease. The least active hormones estrogen behave during pregnancy and after birth – during breastfeeding. It is proved that the birth and prolonged breastfeeding (more than 1 year) to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. On the other hand, abortion lead to hormonal “explosion” in a woman’s body that can trigger the development of tumors. So far there is no consensus about the impact on the development of tumors of hormonal contraceptive drugs, but it is believed that these drugs reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, but increase the risk of developing cancer of the female genital organs, and osteoporosis. In addition predisposition to breast cancer can cause harmful environmental factors: the environment, as well as inflammatory diseases previously deferred breast – mastitis.
In addition, patients with a family of first-degree relatives with breast cancer (mothers and sisters) risk of developing a tumor increasing by more than half – familial forms of cancer.
Benign breast diseases such as fibrocystic breast disease, or fibroadenoz intraduct papillomatosis alone do not lead to cancer, but at the same time, create an unfavorable background for its development.
The cause of breast cancer may be the effects of radiation, such as irradiation of the chest for other diseases (lung tumors, the lymphatic system), prolonged and frequent chest X-ray studies on inflammatory diseases or pulmonary tuberculosis.
Constitutional obesity can lead to cancer of the breast and female reproductive system, with an excess fatty tissue in the body, it becomes a separate endocrine organ and begins to actively produce hormones-estrogens, whose action and provokes the development of tumors.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
There are several forms of the growth of breast cancer:
– Nodular form, the most common, is characterized by a dense knot of 0.5 to 5 cm or more, it is characterized by all of the following symptoms;
– Diffuse. All of them are very aggressive, grow quickly, almost lightning speed, the tumor with no clear boundaries, “spreading” of the breast and skin. For the first two forms are characteristic signs of inflammation: pain of the breast, a bright red color of the skin it raises body temperature to 39 degrees C. In view of these symptoms often occur, and errors in diagnosis of patients treated for inflammatory diseases, which are named and are referred to these forms breast cancer. When tubular carcinoma breast cancer cover as a “skin” of its contracting and decreasing in size.
In some cases, breast cancer manifests in the form of metastases in the lymph nodes on the affected side, often fails to detect the tumor itself – show hidden breast cancer.
For small tumors of the breast, any symptoms arise. The most observant women and their husbands are able to detect tumor site in the gland by chance, but in a large breast to detect small size hard knot. Revealed a knot can be painful when pressed, round, smooth and agile, this speaks in favor of a benign tumor. Signs of malignancy other: a tight knot to touch the stone, its surface is uneven, it is stationary or slightly shifted, can be firmly fixed to the surrounding tissue or skin, usually painless, can reach a significant size (more than 3 – 5 cm and sometimes 10-15 cm).
Need to assess the surface of the skin over the tumor: the malignant process will be observed retraction of the skin, picking up in the folds, wrinkles, a symptom of “lemon peel” – a local swelling of the skin over the tumor, may be a direct tumor invasion to the skin surface, then it becomes a bright red color and sprawl as “cauliflower.”
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Read moreThe Story & Journey of the First Lady Chair of MDRT Malaysia
Read moreEducation Video
The moral of the story – responsible for your old age, SAVE 1st before you say sorry to yourself
Read moreNan Yang 30 Nov 2012
Read moreThe Star Interview 25 Sept 2012
Read moreBest Insurance Salesman in the World – Top Sales Tips, Hint Steps and Best Selling Ideas
The best insurance salesman in the world was not created overnight. Becoming the best insurance salesman requires learning the tops sales tips, practicing the best selling ideas, and not bypassing hint or steps in doing so. Adapt top insurance selling ideas for yourself.
Turn your dreams into reality. Streamline your sales presentation while increasing your selling rate. Nothing automatically propels you to the top in the world. James Cagney in a movie thought he was “on top of the world”. He was taking control of his mind, reflecting on being the best at what he did. An insurance salesperson implementing the best sales ideas and high enough goals exceeds the wildest expectations.
It is time to awaken your senses to no limitations. The technique is surprisingly easy to master. Take the time to search for and then practice top sales tips and trade secrets. To soar up like an eagle, you can’t have clipped wings. This means being one mean selling machine. Awesome achievement provides the incentives to master the required steps. Do not combine ANY portion of your new, highly effective closing presentation with the company man presentation. Hint: Write it yourself, it must sound like you, not a recording.
The steps to a superior presentation are self motivation, knowledge of your product, and confidence to make the sale. Start by making your best insurance salesman sales presentation more powerful than ever. You can get five stars on your forehead! Just do an entire presentation in 10 minutes from start to finish. Have an associate, spouse, or friend time you until you can do it with skipping any steps.
1. Get your prospect’s attention. This doesn’t mean driving an army tank to the prospects’ door. Put yourself in your client’s shoes. List a perfect combination of 12 items that will rattle your client’s attention. Start immediately at the door with a free gift. A new sports team logo hat, a small bunch of flowers, or even a pocket calculator could be three of your best ideas.
2. Next you need to get the prospects interest in your product or presentation. Telling them you are very busy, is packed with dynamite. Your briefcase is no longer seen as overnight luggage, and it portrays you not fighting over a sale until they say no eight times. Keep control by asking to set at a table where you want you show them a must see option that was just introduced. Ask them if they mind if you take off your tie. The idea is to put yourself in the prospect’s environment, and feel comfortable with your presence.
3. Limit yourself to three brief reasons why your plan is superior. Include painting a picture of someone who didn’t think they needed your product, yet signed up. Then explain in visual terms how this person or the person’s family was paid benefits they would have otherwise never received. One of the best selling ideas is to use a third party, as then no pressure exists.
4. This is the most letters to get leads, and most presentations share in common. THEY OMIT THIS PORTION! Give 3 to 5 essential e benefits your insurance product gives your client. You automatically achieve overcoming some objections from ever coming up. Break out the steps, in a piece by piece manner, how your product is going to solve the puzzle. Each of your benefits must link to an emotion. For insurance salespeople viable emotions include fear, love, security, increased happiness, and greed to build up money. Keep it positive and exciting. Inject motivation and inspirational adjectives and verbs to keep your entire presentation positive.
5. Sales experts know that less talk tops all closing rules. You already instilled the urge, now close the gap. Never say, “Well what do you think?” Here is the sales tip. Instead slowly say, “Does this plan provide the protection you need, or if you can’t afford it, I can show you the limited benefit plan? Wait until you get an answer, and this means sometimes a few minutes. Practice with a variety of questions, until you find a couple that work best for you.
Read more
Birthday Celebration with clients
Some birthday lunch / dinner with client. Some of them found my website through using Googles. They are very happy and wth memorable birthday. This is how I build COI.
Read moreKisah Benar
I closed a case on Sunday, when all the way to seremban kampung house, untill my GPS couldn’t direct me, was refer by my client, her husband Mr. Lee, age 55 healths physically fix.
This morning daughter call me about his difficulties of breathing and pass away at 7.15am on his bed. This maybe due to heart attack in sudden. It’s really a sad case to me. 🙁
Insurance must own it when you no need, when you need it, you will missed it forever.
As our responsibility, we just summit death claim, up to the company decisions.
What’s my learning point, I must know the client family earlier, regretted and too late.
Read moreJenny’s Sharing at Allianz in Jakarta, Indonesia
3 Reasons Not To Cancel Your Life Insurance
Paying your life insurance premiums can be another expense that you may wish to cut out from your tight budget. In these tough economic times, every little bit counts. But before you give your life insurance, carefully consider the possible implications of being uninsured. You would have passed on and will not bear the consequences. However, your family may be in a vulnerable position after your death.
Nobody wants to pay for something that they cannot touch, feel or enjoy immediately. Insurance is essentially buying cover for the ‘what if’ in life. But as the saying goes, death like taxes is unavoidable. While you know when tax season will come up, death is one inevitably that you cannot reasonably calculate. So while you may commit to starting up cover at a later stage when your financial circumstances are better, remember that you may be dead before that time comes.
Do not take bad advice from friends, family members and work colleagues. Speak to a financial planner or your insurance broker. What may seem like a good idea today may not make financial sense in the long run. Even the supposed ‘alternatives’ to life insurance are unlikely to offer you the same level of protection as a proper policy. Here are some points to consider before you cancel your life insurance policy.
1. Starting Up A Policy Later
As you get older, the premiums of your policy becomes more expensive. But even these increases will not be as expensive as starting a policy later in life. You are better off keeping the cover that you started earlier in life than canceling it and restarting a policy even one to two years later.
2. Disease May Strike At Any Time
Even if you are still alive to start up a policy later on and can deal with the increased premiums, remember that you risk profile may also change beyond the age aspect. You may develop some chronic disease than can cause your insurer to load the policy or even decline cover. At this point your chances of getting affordable insurance will fly out of the window – forever.
3. Self Insurance Cannot Match The Payout
Trying to save up the premiums of your life insurance policy in order to build a nest egg for your family in the event of your death may be fruitless. You may feel that the money is more secure and accessible in your hands than with an insurer – a practice known as self insurance. While you may have kept some money away, life savings cannot match a life insurance payout.
When times are tough and the budget is tight, various alternatives may seem like a good idea in saving a few pennies. But do no let desperation cloud your judgement. In the end the only loser will be your family without a life insurance payout that could have secured them for a long time to come.
Greg is an independent writer servicing dedicated websites on insurance in South Africa. He focuses on providing comprehensive information on a range of insurance issues for South African consumers. His aim is to educate existing and prospective life policy holders in order to make the best decision for their long term financial planning.
Article Source:
Article Source:
Read moreBreast Cancer is first killer in women and in the world
Among all cancers in women, he takes the first place. In most cases, breast cancer develops in the presence of precancerous changes. This is primarily a benign mammary dysplasia and papilloma ducts.
Breast cancer is represented macroscopically nodular and diffuse forms, as well as cancer of the nipple and the nipple of the field (Paget’s disease of the breast). For the nodular cancers are characterized by the node having a diameter of up to several centimeters. In some cases, a tight knot, is permeated with whitish layers tissue penetrating into the surrounding fatty tissue, in others – a soft, juicy on the cut, splits easily. Diffuse prostate cancer is covered for a considerable distance, the contours of the tumor are marked bad. Sometimes the cancer invades the skin and forms on the surface of decaying mushroom formation – a cancerous ulcer. In some cases, the tumor spreads along the surface of the breast and all the iron is covered with a dense shell.
In histological structure are the following types of breast cancer:
- noninvasive: intralobular and intraduct;
- infiltrative.
Noninvasive breast cancer can be intralobular (lobular carcinoma in situ), and intraduct (ductal carcinoma in situ).
Infiltrating (invasive) cancer is characterized by varying degrees of tissue and cell irregularities, which allowed to distinguish different degree of malignancy. This type of cancer include, in particular, infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma, which usually has the structure of scirrhus, as well as Paget’s disease.
Causes of Breast Cancer.
The causes of breast cancer often are hormonal changes in the body: the entry into menopause, when there is an active restructuring of the hormonal regulation of the woman, the ovaries lose their activity, decreased production of progesterone and estrogen, the body is going through, “hormonal crisis.” The mammary gland and endometrium (lining of the uterus) are most responsive to these changes, the breast tissue begins to dissolve and be replaced by fat.
Scientifically established that the female hormones estrogen-, plays a key role in the development of breast cancer. The excess hormones in the body creates a favorable background for developing the disease. The least active hormones estrogen behave during pregnancy and after birth – during breastfeeding. It is proved that the birth and prolonged breastfeeding (more than 1 year) to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. On the other hand, abortion lead to hormonal “explosion” in a woman’s body that can trigger the development of tumors. So far there is no consensus about the impact on the development of tumors of hormonal contraceptive drugs, but it is believed that these drugs reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, but increase the risk of developing cancer of the female genital organs, and osteoporosis. In addition predisposition to breast cancer can cause harmful environmental factors: the environment, as well as inflammatory diseases previously deferred breast – mastitis.
In addition, patients with a family of first-degree relatives with breast cancer (mothers and sisters) risk of developing a tumor increasing by more than half – familial forms of cancer.
Benign breast diseases such as fibrocystic breast disease, or fibroadenoz intraduct papillomatosis alone do not lead to cancer, but at the same time, create an unfavorable background for its development.
The cause of breast cancer may be the effects of radiation, such as irradiation of the chest for other diseases (lung tumors, the lymphatic system), prolonged and frequent chest X-ray studies on inflammatory diseases or pulmonary tuberculosis.
Constitutional obesity can lead to cancer of the breast and female reproductive system, with an excess fatty tissue in the body, it becomes a separate endocrine organ and begins to actively produce hormones-estrogens, whose action and provokes the development of tumors.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
There are several forms of the growth of breast cancer:
– Nodular form, the most common, is characterized by a dense knot of 0.5 to 5 cm or more, it is characterized by all of the following symptoms;
– Diffuse. All of them are very aggressive, grow quickly, almost lightning speed, the tumor with no clear boundaries, “spreading” of the breast and skin. For the first two forms are characteristic signs of inflammation: pain of the breast, a bright red color of the skin it raises body temperature to 39 degrees C. In view of these symptoms often occur, and errors in diagnosis of patients treated for inflammatory diseases, which are named and are referred to these forms breast cancer. When tubular carcinoma breast cancer cover as a “skin” of its contracting and decreasing in size.
In some cases, breast cancer manifests in the form of metastases in the lymph nodes on the affected side, often fails to detect the tumor itself – show hidden breast cancer.
For small tumors of the breast, any symptoms arise. The most observant women and their husbands are able to detect tumor site in the gland by chance, but in a large breast to detect small size hard knot. Revealed a knot can be painful when pressed, round, smooth and agile, this speaks in favor of a benign tumor. Signs of malignancy other: a tight knot to touch the stone, its surface is uneven, it is stationary or slightly shifted, can be firmly fixed to the surrounding tissue or skin, usually painless, can reach a significant size (more than 3 – 5 cm and sometimes 10-15 cm).
Need to assess the surface of the skin over the tumor: the malignant process will be observed retraction of the skin, picking up in the folds, wrinkles, a symptom of “lemon peel” – a local swelling of the skin over the tumor, may be a direct tumor invasion to the skin surface, then it becomes a bright red color and sprawl as “cauliflower.”
Article Source:
Article Source:
Read moreThe Story & Journey of the First Lady Chair of MDRT Malaysia
Read moreEducation Video
The moral of the story – responsible for your old age, SAVE 1st before you say sorry to yourself
Read moreNan Yang 30 Nov 2012
Read moreThe Star Interview 25 Sept 2012
Read moreBest Insurance Salesman in the World – Top Sales Tips, Hint Steps and Best Selling Ideas
The best insurance salesman in the world was not created overnight. Becoming the best insurance salesman requires learning the tops sales tips, practicing the best selling ideas, and not bypassing hint or steps in doing so. Adapt top insurance selling ideas for yourself.
Turn your dreams into reality. Streamline your sales presentation while increasing your selling rate. Nothing automatically propels you to the top in the world. James Cagney in a movie thought he was “on top of the world”. He was taking control of his mind, reflecting on being the best at what he did. An insurance salesperson implementing the best sales ideas and high enough goals exceeds the wildest expectations.
It is time to awaken your senses to no limitations. The technique is surprisingly easy to master. Take the time to search for and then practice top sales tips and trade secrets. To soar up like an eagle, you can’t have clipped wings. This means being one mean selling machine. Awesome achievement provides the incentives to master the required steps. Do not combine ANY portion of your new, highly effective closing presentation with the company man presentation. Hint: Write it yourself, it must sound like you, not a recording.
The steps to a superior presentation are self motivation, knowledge of your product, and confidence to make the sale. Start by making your best insurance salesman sales presentation more powerful than ever. You can get five stars on your forehead! Just do an entire presentation in 10 minutes from start to finish. Have an associate, spouse, or friend time you until you can do it with skipping any steps.
1. Get your prospect’s attention. This doesn’t mean driving an army tank to the prospects’ door. Put yourself in your client’s shoes. List a perfect combination of 12 items that will rattle your client’s attention. Start immediately at the door with a free gift. A new sports team logo hat, a small bunch of flowers, or even a pocket calculator could be three of your best ideas.
2. Next you need to get the prospects interest in your product or presentation. Telling them you are very busy, is packed with dynamite. Your briefcase is no longer seen as overnight luggage, and it portrays you not fighting over a sale until they say no eight times. Keep control by asking to set at a table where you want you show them a must see option that was just introduced. Ask them if they mind if you take off your tie. The idea is to put yourself in the prospect’s environment, and feel comfortable with your presence.
3. Limit yourself to three brief reasons why your plan is superior. Include painting a picture of someone who didn’t think they needed your product, yet signed up. Then explain in visual terms how this person or the person’s family was paid benefits they would have otherwise never received. One of the best selling ideas is to use a third party, as then no pressure exists.
4. This is the most letters to get leads, and most presentations share in common. THEY OMIT THIS PORTION! Give 3 to 5 essential e benefits your insurance product gives your client. You automatically achieve overcoming some objections from ever coming up. Break out the steps, in a piece by piece manner, how your product is going to solve the puzzle. Each of your benefits must link to an emotion. For insurance salespeople viable emotions include fear, love, security, increased happiness, and greed to build up money. Keep it positive and exciting. Inject motivation and inspirational adjectives and verbs to keep your entire presentation positive.
5. Sales experts know that less talk tops all closing rules. You already instilled the urge, now close the gap. Never say, “Well what do you think?” Here is the sales tip. Instead slowly say, “Does this plan provide the protection you need, or if you can’t afford it, I can show you the limited benefit plan? Wait until you get an answer, and this means sometimes a few minutes. Practice with a variety of questions, until you find a couple that work best for you.
Read more
Birthday Celebration with clients
Some birthday lunch / dinner with client. Some of them found my website through using Googles. They are very happy and wth memorable birthday. This is how I build COI.
Read moreKisah Benar
I closed a case on Sunday, when all the way to seremban kampung house, untill my GPS couldn’t direct me, was refer by my client, her husband Mr. Lee, age 55 healths physically fix.
This morning daughter call me about his difficulties of breathing and pass away at 7.15am on his bed. This maybe due to heart attack in sudden. It’s really a sad case to me. 🙁
Insurance must own it when you no need, when you need it, you will missed it forever.
As our responsibility, we just summit death claim, up to the company decisions.
What’s my learning point, I must know the client family earlier, regretted and too late.
Read moreJenny’s Sharing at Allianz in Jakarta, Indonesia
3 Reasons Not To Cancel Your Life Insurance
Paying your life insurance premiums can be another expense that you may wish to cut out from your tight budget. In these tough economic times, every little bit counts. But before you give your life insurance, carefully consider the possible implications of being uninsured. You would have passed on and will not bear the consequences. However, your family may be in a vulnerable position after your death.
Nobody wants to pay for something that they cannot touch, feel or enjoy immediately. Insurance is essentially buying cover for the ‘what if’ in life. But as the saying goes, death like taxes is unavoidable. While you know when tax season will come up, death is one inevitably that you cannot reasonably calculate. So while you may commit to starting up cover at a later stage when your financial circumstances are better, remember that you may be dead before that time comes.
Do not take bad advice from friends, family members and work colleagues. Speak to a financial planner or your insurance broker. What may seem like a good idea today may not make financial sense in the long run. Even the supposed ‘alternatives’ to life insurance are unlikely to offer you the same level of protection as a proper policy. Here are some points to consider before you cancel your life insurance policy.
1. Starting Up A Policy Later
As you get older, the premiums of your policy becomes more expensive. But even these increases will not be as expensive as starting a policy later in life. You are better off keeping the cover that you started earlier in life than canceling it and restarting a policy even one to two years later.
2. Disease May Strike At Any Time
Even if you are still alive to start up a policy later on and can deal with the increased premiums, remember that you risk profile may also change beyond the age aspect. You may develop some chronic disease than can cause your insurer to load the policy or even decline cover. At this point your chances of getting affordable insurance will fly out of the window – forever.
3. Self Insurance Cannot Match The Payout
Trying to save up the premiums of your life insurance policy in order to build a nest egg for your family in the event of your death may be fruitless. You may feel that the money is more secure and accessible in your hands than with an insurer – a practice known as self insurance. While you may have kept some money away, life savings cannot match a life insurance payout.
When times are tough and the budget is tight, various alternatives may seem like a good idea in saving a few pennies. But do no let desperation cloud your judgement. In the end the only loser will be your family without a life insurance payout that could have secured them for a long time to come.
Greg is an independent writer servicing dedicated websites on insurance in South Africa. He focuses on providing comprehensive information on a range of insurance issues for South African consumers. His aim is to educate existing and prospective life policy holders in order to make the best decision for their long term financial planning.
Article Source:
Article Source:
Read moreBreast Cancer is first killer in women and in the world
Among all cancers in women, he takes the first place. In most cases, breast cancer develops in the presence of precancerous changes. This is primarily a benign mammary dysplasia and papilloma ducts.
Breast cancer is represented macroscopically nodular and diffuse forms, as well as cancer of the nipple and the nipple of the field (Paget’s disease of the breast). For the nodular cancers are characterized by the node having a diameter of up to several centimeters. In some cases, a tight knot, is permeated with whitish layers tissue penetrating into the surrounding fatty tissue, in others – a soft, juicy on the cut, splits easily. Diffuse prostate cancer is covered for a considerable distance, the contours of the tumor are marked bad. Sometimes the cancer invades the skin and forms on the surface of decaying mushroom formation – a cancerous ulcer. In some cases, the tumor spreads along the surface of the breast and all the iron is covered with a dense shell.
In histological structure are the following types of breast cancer:
- noninvasive: intralobular and intraduct;
- infiltrative.
Noninvasive breast cancer can be intralobular (lobular carcinoma in situ), and intraduct (ductal carcinoma in situ).
Infiltrating (invasive) cancer is characterized by varying degrees of tissue and cell irregularities, which allowed to distinguish different degree of malignancy. This type of cancer include, in particular, infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma, which usually has the structure of scirrhus, as well as Paget’s disease.
Causes of Breast Cancer.
The causes of breast cancer often are hormonal changes in the body: the entry into menopause, when there is an active restructuring of the hormonal regulation of the woman, the ovaries lose their activity, decreased production of progesterone and estrogen, the body is going through, “hormonal crisis.” The mammary gland and endometrium (lining of the uterus) are most responsive to these changes, the breast tissue begins to dissolve and be replaced by fat.
Scientifically established that the female hormones estrogen-, plays a key role in the development of breast cancer. The excess hormones in the body creates a favorable background for developing the disease. The least active hormones estrogen behave during pregnancy and after birth – during breastfeeding. It is proved that the birth and prolonged breastfeeding (more than 1 year) to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. On the other hand, abortion lead to hormonal “explosion” in a woman’s body that can trigger the development of tumors. So far there is no consensus about the impact on the development of tumors of hormonal contraceptive drugs, but it is believed that these drugs reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, but increase the risk of developing cancer of the female genital organs, and osteoporosis. In addition predisposition to breast cancer can cause harmful environmental factors: the environment, as well as inflammatory diseases previously deferred breast – mastitis.
In addition, patients with a family of first-degree relatives with breast cancer (mothers and sisters) risk of developing a tumor increasing by more than half – familial forms of cancer.
Benign breast diseases such as fibrocystic breast disease, or fibroadenoz intraduct papillomatosis alone do not lead to cancer, but at the same time, create an unfavorable background for its development.
The cause of breast cancer may be the effects of radiation, such as irradiation of the chest for other diseases (lung tumors, the lymphatic system), prolonged and frequent chest X-ray studies on inflammatory diseases or pulmonary tuberculosis.
Constitutional obesity can lead to cancer of the breast and female reproductive system, with an excess fatty tissue in the body, it becomes a separate endocrine organ and begins to actively produce hormones-estrogens, whose action and provokes the development of tumors.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
There are several forms of the growth of breast cancer:
– Nodular form, the most common, is characterized by a dense knot of 0.5 to 5 cm or more, it is characterized by all of the following symptoms;
– Diffuse. All of them are very aggressive, grow quickly, almost lightning speed, the tumor with no clear boundaries, “spreading” of the breast and skin. For the first two forms are characteristic signs of inflammation: pain of the breast, a bright red color of the skin it raises body temperature to 39 degrees C. In view of these symptoms often occur, and errors in diagnosis of patients treated for inflammatory diseases, which are named and are referred to these forms breast cancer. When tubular carcinoma breast cancer cover as a “skin” of its contracting and decreasing in size.
In some cases, breast cancer manifests in the form of metastases in the lymph nodes on the affected side, often fails to detect the tumor itself – show hidden breast cancer.
For small tumors of the breast, any symptoms arise. The most observant women and their husbands are able to detect tumor site in the gland by chance, but in a large breast to detect small size hard knot. Revealed a knot can be painful when pressed, round, smooth and agile, this speaks in favor of a benign tumor. Signs of malignancy other: a tight knot to touch the stone, its surface is uneven, it is stationary or slightly shifted, can be firmly fixed to the surrounding tissue or skin, usually painless, can reach a significant size (more than 3 – 5 cm and sometimes 10-15 cm).
Need to assess the surface of the skin over the tumor: the malignant process will be observed retraction of the skin, picking up in the folds, wrinkles, a symptom of “lemon peel” – a local swelling of the skin over the tumor, may be a direct tumor invasion to the skin surface, then it becomes a bright red color and sprawl as “cauliflower.”
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Read moreThe Story & Journey of the First Lady Chair of MDRT Malaysia
Read moreEducation Video
The moral of the story – responsible for your old age, SAVE 1st before you say sorry to yourself
Read moreNan Yang 30 Nov 2012
Read moreThe Star Interview 25 Sept 2012
Read moreBest Insurance Salesman in the World – Top Sales Tips, Hint Steps and Best Selling Ideas
The best insurance salesman in the world was not created overnight. Becoming the best insurance salesman requires learning the tops sales tips, practicing the best selling ideas, and not bypassing hint or steps in doing so. Adapt top insurance selling ideas for yourself.
Turn your dreams into reality. Streamline your sales presentation while increasing your selling rate. Nothing automatically propels you to the top in the world. James Cagney in a movie thought he was “on top of the world”. He was taking control of his mind, reflecting on being the best at what he did. An insurance salesperson implementing the best sales ideas and high enough goals exceeds the wildest expectations.
It is time to awaken your senses to no limitations. The technique is surprisingly easy to master. Take the time to search for and then practice top sales tips and trade secrets. To soar up like an eagle, you can’t have clipped wings. This means being one mean selling machine. Awesome achievement provides the incentives to master the required steps. Do not combine ANY portion of your new, highly effective closing presentation with the company man presentation. Hint: Write it yourself, it must sound like you, not a recording.
The steps to a superior presentation are self motivation, knowledge of your product, and confidence to make the sale. Start by making your best insurance salesman sales presentation more powerful than ever. You can get five stars on your forehead! Just do an entire presentation in 10 minutes from start to finish. Have an associate, spouse, or friend time you until you can do it with skipping any steps.
1. Get your prospect’s attention. This doesn’t mean driving an army tank to the prospects’ door. Put yourself in your client’s shoes. List a perfect combination of 12 items that will rattle your client’s attention. Start immediately at the door with a free gift. A new sports team logo hat, a small bunch of flowers, or even a pocket calculator could be three of your best ideas.
2. Next you need to get the prospects interest in your product or presentation. Telling them you are very busy, is packed with dynamite. Your briefcase is no longer seen as overnight luggage, and it portrays you not fighting over a sale until they say no eight times. Keep control by asking to set at a table where you want you show them a must see option that was just introduced. Ask them if they mind if you take off your tie. The idea is to put yourself in the prospect’s environment, and feel comfortable with your presence.
3. Limit yourself to three brief reasons why your plan is superior. Include painting a picture of someone who didn’t think they needed your product, yet signed up. Then explain in visual terms how this person or the person’s family was paid benefits they would have otherwise never received. One of the best selling ideas is to use a third party, as then no pressure exists.
4. This is the most letters to get leads, and most presentations share in common. THEY OMIT THIS PORTION! Give 3 to 5 essential e benefits your insurance product gives your client. You automatically achieve overcoming some objections from ever coming up. Break out the steps, in a piece by piece manner, how your product is going to solve the puzzle. Each of your benefits must link to an emotion. For insurance salespeople viable emotions include fear, love, security, increased happiness, and greed to build up money. Keep it positive and exciting. Inject motivation and inspirational adjectives and verbs to keep your entire presentation positive.
5. Sales experts know that less talk tops all closing rules. You already instilled the urge, now close the gap. Never say, “Well what do you think?” Here is the sales tip. Instead slowly say, “Does this plan provide the protection you need, or if you can’t afford it, I can show you the limited benefit plan? Wait until you get an answer, and this means sometimes a few minutes. Practice with a variety of questions, until you find a couple that work best for you.
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Birthday Celebration with clients
Some birthday lunch / dinner with client. Some of them found my website through using Googles. They are very happy and wth memorable birthday. This is how I build COI.
Kisah Benar
I closed a case on Sunday, when all the way to seremban kampung house, untill my GPS couldn’t direct me, was refer by my client, her husband Mr. Lee, age 55 healths physically fix.
This morning daughter call me about his difficulties of breathing and pass away at 7.15am on his bed. This maybe due to heart attack in sudden. It’s really a sad case to me. 🙁
Insurance must own it when you no need, when you need it, you will missed it forever.
As our responsibility, we just summit death claim, up to the company decisions.
What’s my learning point, I must know the client family earlier, regretted and too late.
Jenny’s Sharing at Allianz in Jakarta, Indonesia
3 Reasons Not To Cancel Your Life Insurance
Paying your life insurance premiums can be another expense that you may wish to cut out from your tight budget. In these tough economic times, every little bit counts. But before you give your life insurance, carefully consider the possible implications of being uninsured. You would have passed on and will not bear the consequences. However, your family may be in a vulnerable position after your death.
Nobody wants to pay for something that they cannot touch, feel or enjoy immediately. Insurance is essentially buying cover for the ‘what if’ in life. But as the saying goes, death like taxes is unavoidable. While you know when tax season will come up, death is one inevitably that you cannot reasonably calculate. So while you may commit to starting up cover at a later stage when your financial circumstances are better, remember that you may be dead before that time comes.
Do not take bad advice from friends, family members and work colleagues. Speak to a financial planner or your insurance broker. What may seem like a good idea today may not make financial sense in the long run. Even the supposed ‘alternatives’ to life insurance are unlikely to offer you the same level of protection as a proper policy. Here are some points to consider before you cancel your life insurance policy.
1. Starting Up A Policy Later
As you get older, the premiums of your policy becomes more expensive. But even these increases will not be as expensive as starting a policy later in life. You are better off keeping the cover that you started earlier in life than canceling it and restarting a policy even one to two years later.
2. Disease May Strike At Any Time
Even if you are still alive to start up a policy later on and can deal with the increased premiums, remember that you risk profile may also change beyond the age aspect. You may develop some chronic disease than can cause your insurer to load the policy or even decline cover. At this point your chances of getting affordable insurance will fly out of the window – forever.
3. Self Insurance Cannot Match The Payout
Trying to save up the premiums of your life insurance policy in order to build a nest egg for your family in the event of your death may be fruitless. You may feel that the money is more secure and accessible in your hands than with an insurer – a practice known as self insurance. While you may have kept some money away, life savings cannot match a life insurance payout.
When times are tough and the budget is tight, various alternatives may seem like a good idea in saving a few pennies. But do no let desperation cloud your judgement. In the end the only loser will be your family without a life insurance payout that could have secured them for a long time to come.
Greg is an independent writer servicing dedicated websites on insurance in South Africa. He focuses on providing comprehensive information on a range of insurance issues for South African consumers. His aim is to educate existing and prospective life policy holders in order to make the best decision for their long term financial planning.
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Breast Cancer is first killer in women and in the world
Among all cancers in women, he takes the first place. In most cases, breast cancer develops in the presence of precancerous changes. This is primarily a benign mammary dysplasia and papilloma ducts.
Breast cancer is represented macroscopically nodular and diffuse forms, as well as cancer of the nipple and the nipple of the field (Paget’s disease of the breast). For the nodular cancers are characterized by the node having a diameter of up to several centimeters. In some cases, a tight knot, is permeated with whitish layers tissue penetrating into the surrounding fatty tissue, in others – a soft, juicy on the cut, splits easily. Diffuse prostate cancer is covered for a considerable distance, the contours of the tumor are marked bad. Sometimes the cancer invades the skin and forms on the surface of decaying mushroom formation – a cancerous ulcer. In some cases, the tumor spreads along the surface of the breast and all the iron is covered with a dense shell.
In histological structure are the following types of breast cancer:
- noninvasive: intralobular and intraduct;
- infiltrative.
Noninvasive breast cancer can be intralobular (lobular carcinoma in situ), and intraduct (ductal carcinoma in situ).
Infiltrating (invasive) cancer is characterized by varying degrees of tissue and cell irregularities, which allowed to distinguish different degree of malignancy. This type of cancer include, in particular, infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma, which usually has the structure of scirrhus, as well as Paget’s disease.
Causes of Breast Cancer.
The causes of breast cancer often are hormonal changes in the body: the entry into menopause, when there is an active restructuring of the hormonal regulation of the woman, the ovaries lose their activity, decreased production of progesterone and estrogen, the body is going through, “hormonal crisis.” The mammary gland and endometrium (lining of the uterus) are most responsive to these changes, the breast tissue begins to dissolve and be replaced by fat.
Scientifically established that the female hormones estrogen-, plays a key role in the development of breast cancer. The excess hormones in the body creates a favorable background for developing the disease. The least active hormones estrogen behave during pregnancy and after birth – during breastfeeding. It is proved that the birth and prolonged breastfeeding (more than 1 year) to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. On the other hand, abortion lead to hormonal “explosion” in a woman’s body that can trigger the development of tumors. So far there is no consensus about the impact on the development of tumors of hormonal contraceptive drugs, but it is believed that these drugs reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, but increase the risk of developing cancer of the female genital organs, and osteoporosis. In addition predisposition to breast cancer can cause harmful environmental factors: the environment, as well as inflammatory diseases previously deferred breast – mastitis.
In addition, patients with a family of first-degree relatives with breast cancer (mothers and sisters) risk of developing a tumor increasing by more than half – familial forms of cancer.
Benign breast diseases such as fibrocystic breast disease, or fibroadenoz intraduct papillomatosis alone do not lead to cancer, but at the same time, create an unfavorable background for its development.
The cause of breast cancer may be the effects of radiation, such as irradiation of the chest for other diseases (lung tumors, the lymphatic system), prolonged and frequent chest X-ray studies on inflammatory diseases or pulmonary tuberculosis.
Constitutional obesity can lead to cancer of the breast and female reproductive system, with an excess fatty tissue in the body, it becomes a separate endocrine organ and begins to actively produce hormones-estrogens, whose action and provokes the development of tumors.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
There are several forms of the growth of breast cancer:
– Nodular form, the most common, is characterized by a dense knot of 0.5 to 5 cm or more, it is characterized by all of the following symptoms;
– Diffuse. All of them are very aggressive, grow quickly, almost lightning speed, the tumor with no clear boundaries, “spreading” of the breast and skin. For the first two forms are characteristic signs of inflammation: pain of the breast, a bright red color of the skin it raises body temperature to 39 degrees C. In view of these symptoms often occur, and errors in diagnosis of patients treated for inflammatory diseases, which are named and are referred to these forms breast cancer. When tubular carcinoma breast cancer cover as a “skin” of its contracting and decreasing in size.
In some cases, breast cancer manifests in the form of metastases in the lymph nodes on the affected side, often fails to detect the tumor itself – show hidden breast cancer.
For small tumors of the breast, any symptoms arise. The most observant women and their husbands are able to detect tumor site in the gland by chance, but in a large breast to detect small size hard knot. Revealed a knot can be painful when pressed, round, smooth and agile, this speaks in favor of a benign tumor. Signs of malignancy other: a tight knot to touch the stone, its surface is uneven, it is stationary or slightly shifted, can be firmly fixed to the surrounding tissue or skin, usually painless, can reach a significant size (more than 3 – 5 cm and sometimes 10-15 cm).
Need to assess the surface of the skin over the tumor: the malignant process will be observed retraction of the skin, picking up in the folds, wrinkles, a symptom of “lemon peel” – a local swelling of the skin over the tumor, may be a direct tumor invasion to the skin surface, then it becomes a bright red color and sprawl as “cauliflower.”
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The Story & Journey of the First Lady Chair of MDRT Malaysia
Education Video
The moral of the story – responsible for your old age, SAVE 1st before you say sorry to yourself
Nan Yang 30 Nov 2012
The Star Interview 25 Sept 2012
Best Insurance Salesman in the World – Top Sales Tips, Hint Steps and Best Selling Ideas
The best insurance salesman in the world was not created overnight. Becoming the best insurance salesman requires learning the tops sales tips, practicing the best selling ideas, and not bypassing hint or steps in doing so. Adapt top insurance selling ideas for yourself.
Turn your dreams into reality. Streamline your sales presentation while increasing your selling rate. Nothing automatically propels you to the top in the world. James Cagney in a movie thought he was “on top of the world”. He was taking control of his mind, reflecting on being the best at what he did. An insurance salesperson implementing the best sales ideas and high enough goals exceeds the wildest expectations.
It is time to awaken your senses to no limitations. The technique is surprisingly easy to master. Take the time to search for and then practice top sales tips and trade secrets. To soar up like an eagle, you can’t have clipped wings. This means being one mean selling machine. Awesome achievement provides the incentives to master the required steps. Do not combine ANY portion of your new, highly effective closing presentation with the company man presentation. Hint: Write it yourself, it must sound like you, not a recording.
The steps to a superior presentation are self motivation, knowledge of your product, and confidence to make the sale. Start by making your best insurance salesman sales presentation more powerful than ever. You can get five stars on your forehead! Just do an entire presentation in 10 minutes from start to finish. Have an associate, spouse, or friend time you until you can do it with skipping any steps.
1. Get your prospect’s attention. This doesn’t mean driving an army tank to the prospects’ door. Put yourself in your client’s shoes. List a perfect combination of 12 items that will rattle your client’s attention. Start immediately at the door with a free gift. A new sports team logo hat, a small bunch of flowers, or even a pocket calculator could be three of your best ideas.
2. Next you need to get the prospects interest in your product or presentation. Telling them you are very busy, is packed with dynamite. Your briefcase is no longer seen as overnight luggage, and it portrays you not fighting over a sale until they say no eight times. Keep control by asking to set at a table where you want you show them a must see option that was just introduced. Ask them if they mind if you take off your tie. The idea is to put yourself in the prospect’s environment, and feel comfortable with your presence.
3. Limit yourself to three brief reasons why your plan is superior. Include painting a picture of someone who didn’t think they needed your product, yet signed up. Then explain in visual terms how this person or the person’s family was paid benefits they would have otherwise never received. One of the best selling ideas is to use a third party, as then no pressure exists.
4. This is the most letters to get leads, and most presentations share in common. THEY OMIT THIS PORTION! Give 3 to 5 essential e benefits your insurance product gives your client. You automatically achieve overcoming some objections from ever coming up. Break out the steps, in a piece by piece manner, how your product is going to solve the puzzle. Each of your benefits must link to an emotion. For insurance salespeople viable emotions include fear, love, security, increased happiness, and greed to build up money. Keep it positive and exciting. Inject motivation and inspirational adjectives and verbs to keep your entire presentation positive.
5. Sales experts know that less talk tops all closing rules. You already instilled the urge, now close the gap. Never say, “Well what do you think?” Here is the sales tip. Instead slowly say, “Does this plan provide the protection you need, or if you can’t afford it, I can show you the limited benefit plan? Wait until you get an answer, and this means sometimes a few minutes. Practice with a variety of questions, until you find a couple that work best for you.