Why Jenny Yeoh?

My Mission is about YOUR SUCCESS!

Being an insurance agent was hard work at the beginning, but it slowly gave me the financial freedom of what I am experiencing in my life today. I worked diligently over the ages and learned the ropes of this business and how to be successful.

I now realize there are a lot of hardworking people who want to be successful but they lack out there the opportunity to succeed. With this in mind, my mission is to help them to be successful so that they too can achieve full financial freedom many times over and live the dream they want.

In this business,

  • You can be your own boss
  • There is no capital outlay
  • Do it with no risk
  • Gain unlimited income potential
  • Get constant support by us to help you achieve your goals
  • Get free personal training for even better results
  • Get a comprehensive range of innovative and market leading financial planning services and products that give you the edge against competitors

An opportunity to live your dreams

  • A dream house for your family
  • The car that you always wanted
  • Free holidays to some of the famous cities and countries
  • Education fund for your children
  • Live life to the fullest

Why i can contribute to your success in this challenging career?

  • I believe that “action speaks louder than words”
  • My passion about sharing my experience and nurture others with my proven formula
  • My Skills in personal coaching, training and motivation to ensure you own a successful and rewarding business
  • My proven track record says it all:
    • Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT): Top of the Table (2006) is the highest recognition that requires sales volume to be six times higher than the minimum MDRT qualifier
    • Top agent for 5 consecutive years

Promoted to Prudential Executive Wealth Manager in year 2008. Achieved as 3 Million Dollar Agency, 8 Star Club qualifier, 1 MDRT and Top 5 Unit Manager in Central Region.

Promoted to Prudential Agency Manager in year 2011.

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